隐肌:第2部分 - 高级LSB
#教程 #python #安全 #steganography

Part 1中,我有一个简单的LSB隐肌术例子。今天,我将展示另一个简单的步骤如何提高弹性,并使经典的切解工具更难检测。



from PIL import Image

def encode(filepath):
    start = '#####'
    stop = '*****'
    full = start + 'Some string that you want to encode into an image' + stop

    binary_text = ''.join('{0:08b}'.format(ord(x), 'b') for x in full)
    print(binary_text, len(binary_text))

    with Image.open(filepath) as im:
        i = 0
        w, h = im.size

        # A good block size is 8x8 or a multiple of 8
        min_block_size = 24

        print(f'Minimum block size: {min_block_size}')

        if min_block_size > w or min_block_size > h:
            print('Data too large to store in image')

        for x in range(0, w - min_block_size, min_block_size):
            for y in range(0, h - min_block_size, min_block_size):

                for j in range(x, x + min_block_size):
                    for k in range(y, y + min_block_size):
                        if i >= len(binary_text):
                            i = 0

                        bit = binary_text[i]
                        pixel = im.getpixel((j, k))

                        if bit == "0":
                            # Is odd, should be even.
                            if pixel[0] % 2 != 0:
                                new_pix = (pixel[0] - 1, pixel[1], pixel[2])
                                im.putpixel((j, k), new_pix)

                            # Is even, should be odd.
                            if pixel[0] % 2 == 0:
                                new_pix = (pixel[0] + 1, pixel[1], pixel[2])
                                im.putpixel((j, k), new_pix)

                        i += 1



for j in range(x, x + min_block_size):
    for k in range(y, y + min_block_size):
        if i >= len(binary_text):
            i = 0

        bit = binary_text[i]
        pixel = im.getpixel((j, k))

        if bit == "0":
            # Is odd, should be even.
            if pixel[0] % 2 != 0:
                new_pix = (pixel[0] - 1, pixel[1], pixel[2])
                im.putpixel((j, k), new_pix)

                # Is even, should be odd.
                if pixel[0] % 2 == 0:
                    new_pix = (pixel[0] + 1, pixel[1], pixel[2])
                    im.putpixel((j, k), new_pix)

        i += 1

这将在min_block_size X min_block_size的正方形上进行迭代,并在此依次编码数据。从理论上讲,这使得编码更加坚固,更难为标准的切解工具提取,因为您必须知道块大小才能检索它。这是这种方法的优势和劣势。您必须定义一个块大小,输入文本的长度或某种方式发送块大小,以便任何人都可以知道要使用什么块大小。


def decode(filepath, block_size=None):
    start = '#####'
    stop = '*****'
    found = False
    binary_stop = ''.join('{0:08b}'.format(ord(x), 'b') for x in stop)
    bit_count = 0
    message = ''

    with Image.open(filepath) as im:
        w, h = im.size
        binary_text = ''
        # A good block size is 8x8 or a multiple of 8
        min_block_size = block_size or 24

        while not found:
            for x in range(0, w - min_block_size, min_block_size):
                for y in range(0, h - min_block_size, min_block_size):

                    if message.endswith(stop):
                        found = True

                    for j in range(x, x + min_block_size):
                        for k in range(y, y + min_block_size):

                            if bit_count == 8:
                                char = chr(int(binary_text, 2))

                                if char in string.printable:
                                    message += char
                                    bit_count = 0
                                    binary_text = ''

                            pixel = im.getpixel((j, k))

                            # Since we always want to get the LSB, we 
                            # can just use the result of the modulo as 
                            # our value
                            binary_text += f'{pixel[0] % 2}'

                            bit_count += 1

    if found:
        start_point = message.find(start) + len(start)
        end = message.find(stop)
        message = message[start_point:end]
        return message




import argparse
import string

from PIL import Image

def encode(filepath):
    start = '#####'
    stop = '*****'
    full = start + 'Some string that you want to encode into an image' + stop

    binary_text = ''.join('{0:08b}'.format(ord(x), 'b') for x in full)
    print(binary_text, len(binary_text))

    with Image.open(filepath) as im:
        i = 0
        w, h = im.size

        # A good block size is 8x8 or a multiple of 8
        min_block_size = 24

        print(f'Minimum block size: {min_block_size}')

        if min_block_size > w or min_block_size > h:
            print('Data too large to store in image')

        for x in range(0, w - min_block_size, min_block_size):
            for y in range(0, h - min_block_size, min_block_size):

                for j in range(x, x + min_block_size):
                    for k in range(y, y + min_block_size):
                        if i >= len(binary_text):
                            i = 0

                        bit = binary_text[i]
                        pixel = im.getpixel((j, k))

                        if bit == "0":
                            # Is odd, should be even.
                            if pixel[0] % 2 != 0:
                                new_pix = (pixel[0] - 1, pixel[1], pixel[2])
                                im.putpixel((j, k), new_pix)

                            # Is even, should be odd.
                            if pixel[0] % 2 == 0:
                                new_pix = (pixel[0] + 1, pixel[1], pixel[2])
                                im.putpixel((j, k), new_pix)

                        i += 1


def decode(filepath, block_size=None):
    start = '#####'
    stop = '*****'
    found = False
    binary_stop = ''.join('{0:08b}'.format(ord(x), 'b') for x in stop)
    bit_count = 0
    message = ''

    with Image.open(filepath) as im:
        w, h = im.size
        binary_text = ''
        # A good block size is 8x8 or a multiple of 8
        min_block_size = block_size or 24

        while not found:
            for x in range(0, w - min_block_size, min_block_size):
                for y in range(0, h - min_block_size, min_block_size):

                    if message.endswith(stop):
                        found = True

                    for j in range(x, x + min_block_size):
                        for k in range(y, y + min_block_size):

                            if bit_count == 8:
                                char = chr(int(binary_text, 2))

                                if char in string.printable:
                                    message += char
                                    bit_count = 0
                                    binary_text = ''

                            pixel = im.getpixel((j, k))

                            # Since we always want to get the LSB, we 
                            # can just use the result of the modulo as 
                            # our value
                            binary_text += f'{pixel[0] % 2}'

                            bit_count += 1

    if found:
        start_point = message.find(start) + len(start)
        end = message.find(stop)
        message = message[start_point:end]
        return message

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--action", help="encode or decode")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--filepath", help="path to image")
    parser.add_argument("-b", "--block_size", required=False, type=int, help="block size")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.filepath:
        if args.action == "encode":
        elif args.action == "decode":
            print("Invalid action")
        print("No filepath provided")


python ./advanced.py -a encode -f file.png


python ./advanced.py -a decode -f encoded_file.png -b 24



Isis França的标题Unsplash