#python #date #pydatntic #validator



from datetime import date
from pydantic import BaseModel, field_validator

class DateModel(BaseModel):
    st_date: date
    nd_date: date

    # Field validator for st_date
    def validate_start_date(cls, value: date) -> date:
        # Check if the value is less than January 1, 2020
        if value < date(2020, 1, 1):
            # Raise a ValueError with the error message
            raise ValueError("Start date cannot be before January 1, 2020.")
        # Return the value if it passes validation
        return value

    # Field validator for nd_date
    def validate_end_date(cls, value: date, values) -> date:
        # Retrieve the value of st_date field from the values dictionary
        start_date = values.get('st_date')
        # Check if nd_date is less than or equal to st_date
        if value <= start_date:
            # Raise a ValueError with the error message
            raise ValueError("End date must be greater than the start date.")
        # Return the value if it passes validation
        return value



from datetime import date
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator

class DateModel(BaseModel):
    # Define the st_date field with a validation rule using Field
    st_date: date = Field(..., gt=date(2020, 1, 1))

    # Define the nd_date field
    nd_date: date

    # Field validator for nd_date
    def validate_end_date(cls, value: date, values, **kwargs) -> date:
        # Retrieve the value of nd_date field
        # Retrieve the value of st_date field from the values dictionary
        start_date = values.get("st_date")

        # Check if nd_date is less than or equal to st_date
        if value <= start_date:
            # Raise a ValueError with the error message
            raise ValueError("End date must be greater than the start date.")

        # Return the value if it passes validation
        return value


  1. 简化字段验证:该代码使用Field类使用验证规则来定义st_date字段。通过指定gt=date(2020, 1, 1),它可以确保st_date字段必须大于2020年1月1日。这消除了对单独验证方法的需求。

  2. 改进的错误处理:在上一个代码中,将验证错误作为ValueError例外提出。在此代码中,使用raise语句使用适当的错误消息提出了验证错误。这为用户提供了更有意义的错误消息。




from datetime import date
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator

class DateModel(BaseModel):
    st_date: date = Field(..., gt=date(2020, 1, 1))
    nd_date: date = Field(..., gt=st_date)