使用JavaScript深入研究数据结构-Red -Black树
#javascript #网络开发人员 #电脑科学

红黑树(RBT)是一种自我平衡的二进制搜索树(BST),可保证用于搜索,插入和删除操作的对数时间复杂性。这种一致性的保证是很大的 - 因为在插入和删除过程中,常规的二进制搜索树可能会变得不平衡,从而导致O(n)的最差时间复杂性,用于搜索,插入和删除操作。



Deep Dive into Data structures using Javascript - Binary Search Tree






  • 值:< / strong>保存节点的值 /数据。
  • 左:在左子节点上持有参考(指针)。
  • 右:将参考(指针)符合正确的子节点。
  • parent:将参考(指针)保存到父节点。
  • 颜色:保持节点的颜色值(红色或黑色)。








  • 每个节点均为红色或黑色:红色树中的每个节点均为彩色或黑色。
  • 根节点始终是黑色的:这是维持红黑树高度平衡属性的必要条件。如果根节点是红色的,那么在执行插入和删除时,树可能会变得不平衡。
  • 所有叶子(空节点)都被视为黑色:通过将所有空节点视为黑色,我们确保从根节点到叶子节点的每个路径都包含相同数量的黑色节点。
  • 不允许两个连续的红节点,即红节点的孩子必须是黑色的:这被称为“红色节点属性”。如果要连续出现两个红色节点,则在执行插入和删除时,树可能会变得不平衡。
  • 从节点到其后代无效节点的每个路径都包含相同数量的黑色节点:这被称为“黑色节点属性”。通过确保从节点到其后代null节点的每个路径都包含相同数量的黑色节点,树的高度始终保持在节点数量中。









lï»»et he et tok the Red-Black Tree中的普通操作的Big O


sﻀince始终保持平衡并保持O(log n)的高度,所有关键操作(例如插入,删除和搜索)的时间复杂性始终是O(log n),而没有边缘情况。与二进制搜索树相比,这是一个重要的优势,因为它们可能变得不平衡,这会导致这些操作的O(n)的最差时间复杂性。

当涉及到广度优先和深度优先的遍历时,就像其他类型的树一样,它们具有O(n)(线性时间)的时间复杂性。尽管红黑树是自动平衡,最大高度(log n),但遍历的时间复杂性取决于节点的总数而不是高度。因此,红黑树中遍历的时间复杂性也为o(n)。

插入 /删除 /搜索操作的效率在某些情况下使红色树木具有强大的工具,特别是在处理大型数据集并需要有效操作时。一些红黑树有意义的用例:












红色树木通常在众多编程语言的标准库中使用。例如,C ++在其STL(标准模板库)中使用红色树木进行地图和设置数据结构,为这些抽象提供了有效的实现。



rﻀed-black树vs avl树

iï»f,您发现自己处于想要使用红色树木的情况下,很可能您会寻找一种自动平衡的二进制搜索树的变化。 tï»»这是vish»。



  1. 插入和删除频繁:在插入和删除后平衡红色树的过程通常比旋转较少的旋转速度要快,而AVL树的过程比AVL树的过程更快,这使其成为更高的写入工作量的更好选择。
  2. 记忆是一个关注的:红色树木通常需要比AVL树更少的空间,因为它们只需要在每个节点上存储一个信息(颜色)。
  3. 适度的搜索时间是可以接受的:虽然RBT确实确保了搜索时间O(log n)的上限,但由于其更严格的平衡,AVL树通常提供更快的查找。如果您的应用程序可以忍受更长的搜索时间以更快的写入或更少的记忆使用情况,则RBT可能是一个不错的选择。


  1. 查找频繁:AVL树比红黑树更严格平衡,这意味着它们通常提供更快的查找时间。如果您的应用程序涉及的读取操作多于写操作,则AVL树可能是一个更好的选择。
  2. 始终快速搜索时间至关重要:如果您的用例需要持续快速搜索时间,并且更新的频率(插入和删除)相对较低,则AVL树将是一个更合适的选择。
  3. 插入和删除很少:虽然AVL树的更新可能比红黑树慢,但如果更新在您的应用程序中相对较少,这可能不是一个重要因素。




  • insert(value)-此方法用于将新值插入红黑树中。该方法首先创建一个新节点并将其放置在正确的位置,就像在标准的二进制搜索树中一样。插入节点后,调用_insertFixup方法来还原红色树属性。
  • _insertFixup(node)-这是一种助手方法,用于确保插入操作后保持红黑树特性。该方法调整节点的颜色并根据需要进行旋转,直到树平衡并遵循红色树规则。
  • delete(value)-此方法从树上删除带有给定值的节点。它首先使用搜索方法找到节点,然后在维护红色树属性的同时将其删除。删除节点后,_deleteFixup方法被调用以还原红色树属性。
  • _deleteFixup(node)-这是一种助手方法,用于确保删除操作后保持红色树特性。与_insertFixup方法类似,它调整节点的颜色并根据需要执行旋转,直到树平衡并遵循红色树规则。
  • search(value)-此方法在树上找到与给定值匹配的节点。它在删除操作期间用于查找需要删除的节点。
  • _replaceParent(curNode, newNode)-此助手方法用于用新节点替换给定节点的父。它在旋转和节点删除过程中使用。
  • _leftRotation(node) and _rightRotation(node)-这些是用于执行树上左右旋转的辅助方法。它们在插入过程中使用并删除操作以维护红黑树的特性。
  • _flipColor(node)-一种辅助方法,可以改变节点及其子女的颜色。它在插入和删除操作期间用于维护红黑树特性。
  • _isRed(node)-一种辅助方法,检查节点是否为红色。此方法用于各种操作来确定特定节点的颜色。
  • findMin(node)-此方法找到树中最小值的节点。它在删除操作期间用于查找被删除的节点的继任者。
  • levelOrderTraversal()-将rï»»显示为级别的多维数组,uï»»唱歌级别的顺序遍历。最终输出数组将代表每个子阵列代表树的水平。

我想第一次注意到红黑树将是一个坚实的挑战,因为它们位于数据结构频谱的高级且复杂的端。充分掌握所有概念将需要投入时间进行实验和探索。红黑树的力量置于“维持平衡”因子(这是关键概念)之内 - 但它以实施复杂性为代价。

研究插入和删除方法时,您将查看许多条件和步骤 - 这些条件和步骤与红黑树特定操作(例如旋转和颜色翻转)结合使用。了解这些操作至关重要,因为它们构成了红黑树在插入和删除过程中如何保持平衡的核心机制。



Red-Black Tree Visualizer



const NodeColor = {
  RED: 'RED',

class RBTNode {
  constructor(value, parent = null) {
    this.value = value
    this.left = null
    this.right = null
    this.parent = parent
    this.color = NodeColor.RED

class RedBlackTree {
  constructor() {
    this.root = null

  insert(value) {
    // Define an inner helper function for the recursive insertion
    const insertHelper = (node) => {
      // The current node we're considering
      const currNode = node

      // If the value to insert is less than the value of the current node
      if (value < currNode.value) {
        // If a left child node exists, recursively call 'insertHelper' on it
        if (currNode.left) {
        } else {
          // If no left child node exists, create a new node with the value
          // Make the new node a left child of the current node
          // The color of the new node is red by default (from the RBTNode constructor)
          currNode.left = new RBTNode(value)
          // Set the parent of the new node to be the current node
          currNode.left.parent = currNode
          // Call the helper method '_insertFixup' to maintain Red-Black Tree properties after insertion
      } else if (value > currNode.value) {
        // If the value to insert is greater than the value of the current node
        // If a right child node exists, recursively call 'insertHelper' on it
        if (currNode.right) {
        } else {
          // If no right child node exists, create a new node with the value
          // Make the new node a right child of the current node
          // The color of the new node is red by default (from the RBTNode constructor)
          currNode.right = new RBTNode(value)
          // Set the parent of the new node to be the current node
          currNode.right.parent = currNode
          // Call the helper method '_insertFixup' to maintain Red-Black Tree properties after insertion
      // If the value is equal to the current node's value, we do nothing because
      // duplicates are not typically allowed in binary search trees

    // If the tree is empty (no root node)
    if (!this.root) {
      // Create a new root node with the value
      // The color of the new root node is red by default (from the RBTNode constructor)
      this.root = new RBTNode(value)
      // Call the helper method '_insertFixup' to maintain Red-Black Tree properties after insertion
      // In this case, it will simply recolor the root to black
    } else {
      // If the tree is not empty, call the 'insertHelper' function on the root node

  // Helper method to maintain tree balance after an insertion
  _insertFixup(node) {
    // Start with the node that was just inserted
    let currNode = node

    // While the parent of the current node is red and the grandparent exists
    // This loop maintains the property that no two red nodes will be adjacent
    while (this._isRed(currNode.parent) && currNode.parent.parent) {
      // Define some helper variables to make the code more readable
      const { parent } = currNode
      const grandparent = parent.parent

      // If the parent of the current node is a left child
      if (parent === grandparent.left) {
        // If the uncle (the right child of the grandparent) is red
        if (this._isRed(grandparent.right)) {
          // Flip the colors of the parent, grandparent, and uncle
          // This maintains the property that every path from a node to its descendant leaves contains the same number of black nodes
        } else {
          // If the uncle is black or null
          // If the current node is a right child, do a left rotation to make it a left child
          // This is done to prevent two red nodes from being adjacent
          if (currNode === parent.right) {
            // After the rotation, the current node and its parent are swapped
            currNode = parent
          // Perform a right rotation on the grandparent
          // This makes the former parent (a red node) the parent of its former parent (a black node)
          // This maintains the property that every path from a node to its descendant leaves contains the same number of black nodes
      } else {
        // The mirror case when the parent of the current node is a right child
        // The code is the same except that 'left' and 'right' are exchanged
        if (this._isRed(grandparent.left)) {
          currNode = grandparent
        } else {
          if (currNode === parent.left) {
            currNode = parent
      // Move up the tree
      currNode = grandparent
    // Ensure the root is always black to maintain the black-root property
    this.root.color = NodeColor.BLACK

  delete(value, node = this.root) {
    // Search the tree to find the target node
    const targetNode = this.search(value, node)

    // If the target node is not found, return false
    if (!targetNode) {
      return false

    // If the target node has no children (leaf node)
    if (!targetNode.left && !targetNode.right) {
      // If the target node is red, simply remove it by replacing it with null in its parent
      // Red nodes can be removed freely because removing them doesn't affect the black height property
      if (this._isRed(targetNode)) {
        this._replaceParent(targetNode, null)
      } else {
        // If the target node is black, removal would affect black height property
        // Hence, we need to call '_deleteFixup' to fix the potential violations
        // After that, we can remove the black node
        this._replaceParent(targetNode, null)
    } else if (!targetNode.left || !targetNode.right) {
      // If the target node has only one child (unilateral subtree)
      if (targetNode.left) {
        // If the child is on the left, set the child's color to black
        // The color is set to black to maintain the black height property
        targetNode.left.color = NodeColor.BLACK
        // Update the parent pointer of the child
        targetNode.left.parent = targetNode.parent
        // Replace the target node with its child
        this._replaceParent(targetNode, targetNode.left)
      } else {
        // Similar operations for the right child
        targetNode.right.color = NodeColor.BLACK
        targetNode.right.parent = targetNode.parent
        this._replaceParent(targetNode, targetNode.right)
    } else {
      // If the target node has two children
      // Find the node with the smallest value that is larger than the value of the target node (aux)
      // This node is used to replace the target node
      const aux = this.findMin(targetNode.right)
      // Replace the value of the target node with the value of the aux node
      targetNode.value = aux.value
      // Delete the aux node recursively
      // The aux node will have at most one child, so this deletion is easier
      this.delete(aux.value, targetNode.right)
    // Return the root of the tree after deletion
    return this.root

  // Helper method to maintain tree balance after a deletion
  _deleteFixup(node) {
    // 'currNode' is the node to be fixed
    let currNode = node

    // Loop until 'currNode' is the root or 'currNode' is red
    while (currNode !== this.root && !this._isRed(currNode)) {
      // Get the parent of 'currNode'
      const { parent } = currNode
      // Define 'sibling', which will be the sibling of 'currNode'
      let sibling

      // If 'currNode' is a left child
      if (currNode === parent.left) {
        // 'sibling' is the right child of 'parent'
        sibling = parent.right

        // If the 'sibling' is red
        if (this._isRed(sibling)) {
          // Perform left rotation on 'parent'
        // If both children of 'sibling' are black
        else if (!this._isRed(sibling.left) && !this._isRed(sibling.right)) {
          // If 'parent' is red
          if (this._isRed(parent)) {
            // Swap colors of 'parent' and 'sibling'
            parent.color = NodeColor.BLACK
            sibling.color = NodeColor.RED
            // Fixup is done because 'currNode' now has an additional black link
          // If 'parent' is black, make 'sibling' red
          sibling.color = NodeColor.RED
          // Move up the tree
          currNode = parent
        // If 'sibling's left child is red and right child is black
        else if (this._isRed(sibling.left) && !this._isRed(sibling.right)) {
          // Perform right rotation on 'sibling'
        // If 'sibling's right child is red
        else {
          // Perform left rotation on 'parent'
          // Change color of 'parent' and 'sibling's right child to black
          parent.color = NodeColor.BLACK
          sibling.right.color = NodeColor.BLACK
          // Fixup is done because 'currNode' now has an additional black link
      // If 'currNode' is a right child, similar operations are performed with 'left' and 'right' interchanged
      else {
        sibling = parent.left
        if (this._isRed(sibling)) {
        } else if (!this._isRed(sibling.left) && !this._isRed(sibling.right)) {
          if (this._isRed(parent)) {
            parent.color = NodeColor.BLACK
            sibling.color = NodeColor.RED
          sibling.color = NodeColor.RED
          currNode = parent
        } else if (this._isRed(sibling.right) && !this._isRed(sibling.left)) {
        } else {
          parent.color = NodeColor.BLACK
          sibling.left.color = NodeColor.BLACK

  search(value, node = this.root) {
    // Check if the current node is null (reached a leaf node or an empty tree)
    if (!node) {
      // Value not found, return false
      return false
    // Check if the current node's value matches the search value
    if (value === node.value) {
      // Value found, return the node
      return node
    // If the search value is less than the current node's value, go to the left subtree
    if (value < node.value) {
      // Recursively call the search function on the left child node
      return this.search(value, node.left)
    // If the search value is greater than the current node's value, go to the right subtree
    // This assumes the tree follows the convention of left child nodes having lesser values and right child nodes having greater values
    return this.search(value, node.right)

  This method is used to replace the parent of a given node with a new node. It is primarily used during node deletion and rotation operations. When a node is deleted or when rotations are performed, it may be necessary to update the parent reference of a child node to point to a new node.
  _replaceParent(currNode, newNode) {
    // Get the parent node of the current node
    const { parent } = currNode
    // Check if the current node is the root node (no parent)
    if (!parent) {
      // If so, set the new node as the new root of the tree
      this.root = newNode
    // If the current node is the left child of its parent
    else if (currNode === parent.left) {
      // Set the new node as the left child of the parent
      parent.left = newNode
    // If the current node is the right child of its parent
    else {
      // Set the new node as the right child of the parent
      parent.right = newNode

  A helper method that performs a left rotation on the tree structure.

  Left rotation is an operation that repositions the nodes in the tree 
  to maintain its properties when they have been disturbed, for example, during insertion or deletion. 

  It is used when the right child of a node is colored red. The operation involves repositioning 
  the node and its right child, and updating the colors of the nodes accordingly. After a left rotation, the 
  former parent becomes the left child of its former right child. 

  This method should be called when it is safe to do a left rotation, that is, when the right child is not null.
  _leftRotation(node) {
    // 'currNode' is set as the right child of 'node'
    const currNode = node.right

    // The left child of 'currNode' becomes the right child of 'node'
    node.right = currNode.left

    // 'node' becomes the left child of 'currNode'
    currNode.left = node

    // The color of 'currNode' is set as the color of 'node'
    currNode.color = node.color

    // The color of 'node' is set as red
    node.color = NodeColor.RED

    // The parent of 'node' is replaced with 'currNode'
    this._replaceParent(node, currNode)

    // The parent of 'currNode' is set as the parent of 'node'
    currNode.parent = node.parent

    // 'node' becomes the child of 'currNode'
    node.parent = currNode

    // If 'node' has a right child, the parent of the right child is set as 'node'
    if (node.right) {
      node.right.parent = node

  A helper method that performs a right rotation on the tree structure.

  Right rotation is an operation that repositions the nodes in the tree 
  to maintain its properties when they have been disturbed, for example, during insertion or deletion. 

  It is used when the left child of a node is colored red. The operation involves repositioning 
  the node and its left child, and updating the colors of the nodes accordingly. After a right rotation, the 
  former parent becomes the right child of its former left child.

  This method should be called when it is safe to do a right rotation, that is, when the left child is not null.
  _rightRotation(node) {
    // 'currNode' is set as the left child of 'node'
    const currNode = node.left

    // The right child of 'currNode' becomes the left child of 'node'
    node.left = currNode.right

    // 'node' becomes the right child of 'currNode'
    currNode.right = node

    // Update color: The color of 'currNode' is set as the color of 'node'
    currNode.color = node.color

    // The color of 'node' is set as red
    node.color = NodeColor.RED

    // Update parent node: The parent of 'node' is replaced with 'currNode'
    this._replaceParent(node, currNode)

    // The parent of 'currNode' is set as the parent of 'node'
    currNode.parent = node.parent

    // 'node' becomes the child of 'currNode'
    node.parent = currNode

    // If 'node' has a left child, the parent of the left child is set as 'node'
    if (node.left) {
      node.left.parent = node

  Helper method that changes the color of a node and its children.
  The concept here is to change the color of the parent node to red, and the color of the two child nodes to black.
  This color flip is part of the process that helps to maintain the properties of a Red-Black Tree, which include keeping the tree balanced and ensuring that no two red nodes are adjacent, among others.
  Please note that before calling this method, you should check that both children of the node are present and their colors are red. This method assumes this condition is met.
  _flipColor(node) {
    // The color of the current node is set to RED
    node.color = NodeColor.RED

    // The color of the left child of the current node is set to BLACK
    node.left.color = NodeColor.BLACK

    // The color of the right child of the current node is set to BLACK
    node.right.color = NodeColor.BLACK

  // Helper method to check the node color
  _isRed(node) {
    return node ? node.color === NodeColor.RED : false

  // Helper method that finds the node with the smallest value in the tree. It's used during the delete operation to find the successor of a node that's being deleted.
  findMin(node = this.root) {
    let currentNode = node
    while (currentNode && currentNode.left) {
      currentNode = currentNode.left
    return currentNode

  // Displays an array that will represent the tree
  // in level-order, with each sub-array representing a level of the tree.
  levelOrderTraversal() {
    // Create an empty array to store the traversed nodes
    const temp = []
    // Create an array to keep track of the current level of nodes
    const queue = []

    // If the tree has a root, add it to the queue
    if (this.root) {

    // Keep traversing the tree while there are nodes in the queue
    while (queue.length) {
      // Create an array to store the nodes of the current level
      const subTemp = []
      // Store the number of nodes in the current level
      const len = queue.length

      // Iterate through the current level of nodes
      for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        // Dequeue the first node in the queue
        const node = queue.shift()
        // Push the node's value to the subTemp array
        // If the node has a left child, add it to the queue
        if (node.left) {
        // If the node has a right child, add it to the queue
        if (node.right) {

      // Push the subTemp array to the temp array
    // Return the final temp array
    return temp

export default RedBlackTree