。 完整的描述和命名惯例
"info": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "Swagger Petstore",
"description": "A sample API that uses a petstore as an example to demonstrate features in the OpenAPI 3.0 specification",
"termsOfService": "",
"contact": {
"name": "Swagger API Team",
"email": "",
"url": ""
"license": {
"name": "Apache 2.0",
"url": ""
"/pets/{id}": {
"get": {
"description": "Returns a user based on a single ID, if the user does not have access to the pet",
"operationId": "find pet by id",
"parameters": [
"name": "id",
"in": "path",
"description": "ID of pet to fetch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int64"
让我们看看OpenAPI样式验证器如何检查数据类型描述。数据类型在OpenAPI规范中定义为架构对象,可以在请求或响应中引用(例如“ $ ref”:“#/components/components/chemas/newpet”)。验证器可以检查所有模式属性是否存在描述和示例,而不是空的。
"NewPet": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"tag": {
"type": "string"
如果我们查看上面列表中的新PET架构对象,我们找不到描述和示例。 API规范中的示例和描述使文档更具可理解。
现在让我们继续进行命名惯例。命名约定有助于使API易于使用。 OpenAPI样式验证器支持许多不同的约定,我们可以将其应用于路径,路径参数,查询参数,cookie,标题和属性。命名惯例是:下划线案例(蛇案),骆驼盒,我们从java和javaScript中知道的,以及所谓的连字符案件,也称为烤肉案。
有了我们现在已经学到的定义规则,我们可以控制OpenAPI规范的外观。我们有什么样的选择?有一些布尔选项,例如“ vasionoperationOperationID”,实际上,每个操作都有一个ID。选项“ vericationerationsummary”要求操作还具有描述。但是,还有一些字符串类型选项,例如PathnamingConfention,ParameternAmingConconcention,PathParameNingConconnevention和QueryparamnamingConconcention。有了这些选项,我们可以确定元素是否应遵循,例如下划线案例或骆驼案命名约定。
那么,我们如何启动验证器? maven命令看起来像这样:
mvn openapi-style-validator:validate
对于Maven,必须在pom.xml中配置OpenAPI样式验证器插件,必须排除io.swagger.v3依赖项,否则使用了库的较新版本,不幸的是,该版本与该版本不兼容的版本与版本不兼容。 OpenAPI样式验证器。如以下列表,可以将每个选项添加为XML标签下的参数,例如。以文本内容为true或fals
[INFO] --- openapi-style-validator:1.8:validate (default-cli) @ openapitools-validator-mvn-example ---
[INFO] Validating spec: petstore-expanded.json
[ERROR] OpenAPI Specification does not meet the requirements. Issues:
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation GET /pets "summary" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation GET /pets "tags" -> The collection should be present and there should be at least one item in it
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation POST /pets "summary" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation POST /pets "tags" -> The collection should be present and there should be at least one item in it
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation GET /pets/{id} "summary" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation GET /pets/{id} "tags" -> The collection should be present and there should be at least one item in it
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation DELETE /pets/{id} "summary" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Operation DELETE /pets/{id} "tags" -> The collection should be present and there should be at least one item in it
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "NewPet", property "name", field "example" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "NewPet", property "name", field "description" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "NewPet", property "tag", field "example" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "NewPet", property "tag", field 'description' -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "Error", property "code", field 'example' -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "Error", property "code", field 'description' -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "Error", property "message", field "example" -> This field should be present and not empty
[ERROR] *ERROR* in Model "Error", property "message", field "description" -> This field should be present and not empty
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.342 s
OpenAPI Style Validator
Petstore Beispiel
Validation example