#编程 #教程 #go #并发性


步骤: -

  1. 创建一个缓冲通道,以在其他两个GO例程中使用频道中的最低值
    ch:= make(chan int,2)

  2. 创建两个GO例程,该例程将消耗我们在步骤1中创建的频道的数据
    Go iacceptonlynegativeFolks(CH)
    Go iacceptonlypositionFolks(CH)

  3. 将初始信号/数据发送到通道
    ch <-1

  4. 保持一些睡眠 /使用SELECT CASE /其他一些策略,以阻止Main退出。

package main

import (

func main() {
    ch := make(chan int, 2)

    // initiate +ve & -ve folks
    go iAcceptOnlyNegativeFolks(ch)
    go iAcceptOnlyPositiveFolks(ch)

    // ignite fire between +ve & -ve folks 😅
    ch <- 1

    // this is just simple way to block main else go routines will exit along with main
    time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 5)


func iAcceptOnlyPositiveFolks(ch chan int) {
    for {
        select {
        case x := <-ch:
            if x > 0 {
                fmt.Println(x, " is a positive folk")
                ch <- x + 1
            } else {
                // giving some motivation to -ve folk to become +ve folk
                ch <- x * (-1)

func iAcceptOnlyNegativeFolks(ch chan int) {
    for {
        select {
        case x := <-ch:
            if x < 0 {
                fmt.Println(x, " is a negative folk")
                ch <- x - 1
            } else {
                // giving some motivation to +ve folk to become -ve folk
                ch <- x * (-1)

sample output 1:-
-1  is a negative folk
-2  is a negative folk
-3  is a negative folk
4  is a positive folk
-5  is a negative folk
-6  is a negative folk
7  is a positive folk
-8  is a negative folk
9  is a positive folk
10  is a positive folk
11  is a positive folk

sample output 2:-
1  is a positive folk
2  is a positive folk
3  is a positive folk
-4  is a negative folk
-5  is a negative folk
6  is a positive folk
7  is a positive folk

说明: -

  1. 我们正在创建一个缓冲通道作为两个GO例程之间的通信媒介
  2. iacceptonlynegativeFolks&iacceptonlypositionFolks功能 将同时读取来自频道的数据(当时可以访问哪个例程,它将从渠道读取该数据)
  3. 在运行上述程序后,我们将对每个执行都有不同的规定,因为它同时运行,我们不知道哪个例程将在某个时间点访问频道数据。

