安装和配置MySQL Server和MySQL InnoDB群集
#devops #mysql #ansible

This角色将使用MySQL InnoDB ClusterGTID replication

在HA模式下安装和配置MySQL Server或MySQL




var 检索收听IP地址
必需 默认 desc
mysql_subnet yes 子网在哪里聆听。如果VM或Bare Metal Server具有多个接口,则Ansible将过滤界面,而MySQL将仅在特定接口上收听。该变量还用于计算MySQL Server ID。
mysql_root_pw yes mysql root密码。
mysql_authentication no mysql_native_password mySQL身份验证方法。
disable_firewall no no 如果设置为Yes Ansible将禁用防火墙。
disable_selinux no no 禁用SELINUX。默认号,如果要配置Selinux,请使用另一个角色。您可以禁用SELINUX将此变量设置为Yes
resolv_mode no dns mySQL如何解析名称,默认DNS。如果设置为主机/etc/hosts文件将被覆盖
mysql_listen_all_interfaces no no 将此变量设置为YES,以允许MySQL在所有接口上收听0.0.0.0/0。否则,将使用 mysql_subnet variable
mysql_user no mysql mySQL系统用户
mysql_group no mysql MySQL搜索系统的组用户
mysql_data_dir no /var/lib/mysql mysql数据dir
mysql_log_dir no /var/log/mysql mysql log dir
mysql_conf_dir no /etc/mysql mysql conf dir
mysql_pid_dir no /var/run/mysqld mysql pid dir
mysql_operator_user no operator mySQL操作员用户,用于引导mysql innodb群集。
mysql_operator_password no Op3r4torMyPw 操作员用户的密码
mysql_replica_user no replica mySQL副本用户。用于所有复制操作
mysql_replica_password no rEpL1c4p4Sw0,rd 副本用户的密码
mysql_replication_mode no InnoDB ClusterGTID,空/无(默认)
mysql_gr_name no 如果 mysql_replication_mode 设置为 innodb cluster 。组复制的UUID
mysql_gr_vcu no 如果 mysql_replication_mode 设置为 innodb cluster 。小组复制view change uuid
mysql_innodb_cluster_name no 如果 mysql_replication_mode 设置为 innodb cluster 。 mysql innodb群集的名称



第一步是下载this repo和birng所有VM。但首先在 change_me 变量中的vagrantfile粘贴您的public ssh键中。您还可以通过更改NNODES变量来调整部署的VM数量(在此Exaple中,我们将使用5个节点)。现在我们准备好配备机器:

git clone https://github.com/garutilorenzo/ansible-role-linux-mysql.git

cd ansible-role-linux-mysql/

vagrant up
Bringing machine 'my-ubuntu-0' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'my-ubuntu-1' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'my-ubuntu-2' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'my-ubuntu-3' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'my-ubuntu-4' up with 'virtualbox' provider...


    my-ubuntu-4: Inserting generated public key within guest...
==> my-ubuntu-4: Machine booted and ready!
==> my-ubuntu-4: Checking for guest additions in VM...
    my-ubuntu-4: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
    my-ubuntu-4: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
    my-ubuntu-4: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
    my-ubuntu-4: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
    my-ubuntu-4: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
    my-ubuntu-4: your host and reload your VM.
    my-ubuntu-4: Guest Additions Version: 6.0.0 r127566
    my-ubuntu-4: VirtualBox Version: 6.1
==> my-ubuntu-4: Setting hostname...
==> my-ubuntu-4: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> my-ubuntu-4: Mounting shared folders...
    my-ubuntu-4: /vagrant => C:/Users/Lorenzo Garuti/workspaces/simple-ubuntu
==> my-ubuntu-4: Running provisioner: shell...
    my-ubuntu-4: Running: inline script
==> my-ubuntu-4: Running provisioner: shell...
    my-ubuntu-4: Running: inline script
    my-ubuntu-4: hello from node 5



apt-get install python3 python3-pip uuidgen openssl
pip3 install pipenv

pipenv shell
pip install -r requirements.txt


ansible-galaxy install git+https://github.com/garutilorenzo/ansible-role-linux-mysql.git

Whit Ansible和我们可以设置库存文件(hosts.ini)的角色:

my-ubuntu-0 ansible_host=
my-ubuntu-1 ansible_host=
my-ubuntu-2 ansible_host=
my-ubuntu-3 ansible_host=
my-ubuntu-4 ansible_host=



disable_firewall: yes
disable_selinux: yes
mysql_resolv_mode: hosts
mysql_listen_all_interfaces: yes

mysql_root_pw: '<CHANGE_ME>' # <- openssl rand -base64 32 | sed 's/=//'
mysql_replication_mode: 'InnoDB Cluster'
mysql_gr_name: '<CHANGE_ME>' # <- uuidgen
mysql_gr_vcu: '<CHANGE_ME>' #  <- uuidgen
mysql_innodb_cluster_name: 'cluster_lab' 

注意 mysql_gr_name和mysql_gr_vcu是不同的uuid,所以两次运行uuidgen。
使用此Vars,我们将使用MySQL InnoDB群集在HA模式下部署MySQL,将从现有的Group Replication配置创建群集。


- hosts: mysql
  become: yes
  remote_user: vagrant
    - role: ansible-role-linux-mysql
    - vars.yml

部署mysql innodb群集

我们终于准备好使用Ansible部署MySQL InnoDB群集:

export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False # Ansible skip ssh-key validation

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini site.yml -e mysql_bootstrap_host=my-ubuntu-0

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : render mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf] *******************************************************************************************
ok: [my-ubuntu-0]
ok: [my-ubuntu-2]
ok: [my-ubuntu-1]
ok: [my-ubuntu-3]
ok: [my-ubuntu-4]

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : render mysql.conf.d/gtid.cnf] *********************************************************************************************
ok: [my-ubuntu-1]
ok: [my-ubuntu-0]
ok: [my-ubuntu-3]
ok: [my-ubuntu-2]
ok: [my-ubuntu-4]

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : ansible.builtin.fail] *****************************************************************************************************
skipping: [my-ubuntu-0]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-1]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-2]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-3]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-4]

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : ansible.builtin.fail] *****************************************************************************************************
skipping: [my-ubuntu-0]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-1]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-2]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-3]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-4]

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : render innodb_cluster.cnf] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [my-ubuntu-0]
ok: [my-ubuntu-1]
ok: [my-ubuntu-3]
ok: [my-ubuntu-2]
ok: [my-ubuntu-4]

RUNNING HANDLER [ansible-role-linux-mysql : reload systemd] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [my-ubuntu-3]
ok: [my-ubuntu-0]
ok: [my-ubuntu-2]
ok: [my-ubuntu-4]
ok: [my-ubuntu-1]

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************
my-ubuntu-0               : ok=69   changed=27   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=12   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-1               : ok=71   changed=28   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=10   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-2               : ok=71   changed=28   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=10   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-3               : ok=71   changed=28   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=10   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-4               : ok=71   changed=28   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=10   rescued=0    ignored=0 

现在安装了群集,但是我们必须持续一些配置。由于群集是一个新的群集,因此Ansible已在bootstrap模式下启动了组复制。这意味着第一个实例(在这种情况下为my-ubuntu-0)具有te value group_replication_bootstrap_group_group 设置为 on 和 group_replication_group_seeds 空值。第二次运行的Ansible,此变量将设置为正确的值:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini site.yml

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : ansible.builtin.fail] *****************************************************************************************************
skipping: [my-ubuntu-0]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-1]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-2]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-3]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-4]

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : ansible.builtin.fail] *****************************************************************************************************
skipping: [my-ubuntu-0]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-1]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-2]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-3]
skipping: [my-ubuntu-4]

TASK [ansible-role-linux-mysql : render innodb_cluster.cnf] ************************************************************************************************
ok: [my-ubuntu-2]
ok: [my-ubuntu-4]
ok: [my-ubuntu-1]
ok: [my-ubuntu-3]
changed: [my-ubuntu-0]

PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************************
my-ubuntu-0               : ok=30   changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=18   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-1               : ok=30   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=18   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-2               : ok=30   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=18   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-3               : ok=30   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=18   rescued=0    ignored=0   
my-ubuntu-4               : ok=30   changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=18   rescued=0    ignored=0   

在本指南中,MySQLSH用于在MySQL InnoDB群集上进行操作。 Here您可以找到有关MySQLSH的更多信息。


root@my-ubuntu-0:~# mysqlsh root@my-ubuntu-0
Please provide the password for 'root@my-ubuntu-0': ******************************************
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu = dba.getCluster()
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu.status()
    "clusterName": "cluster_lab", 
    "defaultReplicaSet": {
        "name": "default", 
        "primary": "my-ubuntu-0:3306", 
        "ssl": "DISABLED", 
        "status": "OK", 
        "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to 2 failures.", 
        "topology": {
            "my-ubuntu-0:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-0:3306", 
                "memberRole": "PRIMARY", 
                "mode": "R/W", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-1:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-1:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-2:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-2:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-3:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-3:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-4:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-4:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
        "topologyMode": "Single-Primary"
    "groupInformationSourceMember": "my-ubuntu-0:3306"



  • WordPress作为前端
  • mysqlrouter将将WP连接到MySQL

要运行此测试,您必须安装DockerDocker compose


我们需要为WordPress创建一个DB和一个用户,为此,我们必须找到主服务器(检查群集状态并使用 - >“ mode”:“ r/w”)

root@my-ubuntu-0:~# mysqlsh root@localhost
Please provide the password for 'root@localhost': ******************************************

MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > \sql # <- SWITCH TO SQL MODE
Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;

create database wordpress;
create user 'wordpress'@'%' identified by 'wordpress';
grant all on wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'%';
flush privileges;



version: '3.4'
    image: wordpress:latest
      - 80:80
    restart: always
      - WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysqlrouter:6446
      - WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wordpress
      - WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=wordpress
      - WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress

    image: garutilorenzo/mysqlrouter:8.0.30
      - type: volume
        source: mysqlrouter
        target: /app/mysqlrouter/
          nocopy: true
     - MYSQL_HOST=my-ubuntu-0
     - MYSQL_PORT=3306
     - MYSQL_USER=root
     - MYSQL_PASSWORD=<CHANGE_ME> # <- the same password in the vars.yml file
     - MYSQL_ROUTER_ACCOUNT=mysql_router_user
     - MYSQL_ROUTER_PASSWORD=<CHANGE_ME> # <- openssl rand -base64 32 | sed 's/=//'



docker-compose -f mysql-router-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f mysql-router-compose.yml logs mysqlrouter

examples-mysqlrouter-1  | Succesfully contacted mysql server at my-ubuntu-0. Checking for cluster state.
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | Check if config exist
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | bootstrap mysqlrouter with account mysql_router_user
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | Succesfully contacted mysql server at my-ubuntu-0. Trying to bootstrap.
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | Please enter MySQL password for root: 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | # Bootstrapping MySQL Router instance at '/app/mysqlrouter'...
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | Please enter MySQL password for mysql_router_user: 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Creating account(s) (only those that are needed, if any)
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Verifying account (using it to run SQL queries that would be run by Router)
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Storing account in keyring
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Adjusting permissions of generated files
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Creating configuration /app/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | # MySQL Router configured for the InnoDB Cluster 'cluster_lab'
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | After this MySQL Router has been started with the generated configuration
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  |     $ mysqlrouter -c /app/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | InnoDB Cluster 'cluster_lab' can be reached by connecting to:
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | ## MySQL Classic protocol
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Read/Write Connections: localhost:6446
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Read/Only Connections:  localhost:6447
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | ## MySQL X protocol
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Read/Write Connections: localhost:6448
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | - Read/Only Connections:  localhost:6449
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | Starting mysql-router.
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 io INFO [7f794f1e0bc0] starting 4 io-threads, using backend 'linux_epoll'
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 http_server INFO [7f794f1e0bc0] listening on
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache_plugin INFO [7f794a606700] Starting Metadata Cache
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f794a606700] Connections using ssl_mode 'PREFERRED'
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700] Starting metadata cache refresh thread
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790e7fc700] [routing:bootstrap_rw] started: routing strategy = first-available
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790e7fc700] Start accepting connections for routing routing:bootstrap_rw listening on 6446
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790dffb700] [routing:bootstrap_x_ro] started: routing strategy = round-robin-with-fallback
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790dffb700] Start accepting connections for routing routing:bootstrap_x_ro listening on 6449
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790effd700] [routing:bootstrap_ro] started: routing strategy = round-robin-with-fallback
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790effd700] Start accepting connections for routing routing:bootstrap_ro listening on 6447
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700] Connected with metadata server running on my-ubuntu-2:3306
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790d7fa700] [routing:bootstrap_x_rw] started: routing strategy = first-available
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 routing INFO [7f790d7fa700] Start accepting connections for routing routing:bootstrap_x_rw listening on 6448
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700] Potential changes detected in cluster 'cluster_lab' after metadata refresh
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700] Metadata for cluster 'cluster_lab' has 5 member(s), single-primary: (view_id=0)
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700]     my-ubuntu-2:3306 / 33060 - mode=RO 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700]     my-ubuntu-1:3306 / 33060 - mode=RO 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700]     my-ubuntu-0:3306 / 33060 - mode=RW 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700]     my-ubuntu-3:3306 / 33060 - mode=RO 
examples-mysqlrouter-1  | 2022-08-30 12:03:57 metadata_cache INFO [7f7948602700]     my-ubuntu-4:3306 / 33060 - mode=RO 




安装和配置WP,现在我们已经准备好了一些Chaos Monkey



while true; do curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost; echo; sleep 1; done


root@my-ubuntu-0:~# sudo halt -p
Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.


while true; do curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost; echo; sleep 1; done
500 # <- my-ubuntu-0 shutdown and MySQL primary switch


root@my-ubuntu-1:~# mysqlsh root@localhost
Please provide the password for 'root@localhost': ******************************************

MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu = dba.getCluster()
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu.status()
    "clusterName": "cluster_lab", 
    "defaultReplicaSet": {
        "name": "default", 
        "primary": "my-ubuntu-2:3306", 
        "ssl": "DISABLED", 
        "status": "OK_PARTIAL", 
        "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure. 1 member is not active.", 
        "topology": {
            "my-ubuntu-0:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-0:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "n/a", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "role": "HA", 
                "shellConnectError": "MySQL Error 2003: Could not open connection to 'my-ubuntu-0:3306': Can't connect to MySQL server on 'my-ubuntu-0:3306' (110)", 
                "status": "(MISSING)"
            "my-ubuntu-1:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-1:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-2:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-2:3306", 
                "memberRole": "PRIMARY", 
                "mode": "R/W", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-3:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-3:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-4:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-4:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
        "topologyMode": "Single-Primary"
    "groupInformationSourceMember": "my-ubuntu-2:3306"
 MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS >

如果您在localhost上检查WP,现在主人是 my-ubuntu-2 node。
现在,如果我们再次提出 my-ubuntu-0 节点,节点将重新加入群集,并将从其他节点获得更新:

root@my-ubuntu-1:~# mysqlsh root@localhost
Please provide the password for 'root@localhost': ******************************************

MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu = dba.getCluster()
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu.status()
    "clusterName": "cluster_lab", 
    "defaultReplicaSet": {
        "name": "default", 
        "primary": "my-ubuntu-2:3306", 
        "ssl": "DISABLED", 
        "status": "OK", 
        "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to 2 failures.", 
        "topology": {
            "my-ubuntu-0:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-0:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-1:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-1:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-2:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-2:3306", 
                "memberRole": "PRIMARY", 
                "mode": "R/W", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-3:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-3:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-4:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-4:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
        "topologyMode": "Single-Primary"
    "groupInformationSourceMember": "my-ubuntu-2:3306"


如果出于任何原因所有服务器都会下降,则必须从complete outage恢复集群。

要这样做,我们必须连接到一个实例,edit/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/innodb_cluster.cnf和set group_replication_bootstrap_group_group_group to on 和注释 group_replication_group_seeds 。我们现在必须重新启动mysql:

vi /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/innodb_cluster.cnf


systemctl restart mysqld


vagrant@my-ubuntu-4:~$ mysqlsh root@localhost
Please provide the password for 'root@localhost': ******************************************

MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > \sql # <- SWITCH TO SQL MODE
Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  SQL > start group_replication;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.7095 sec)


MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  SQL > \js
Switching to JavaScript mode...
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu = dba.getCluster()
MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > clu.status()
    "clusterName": "cluster_lab", 
    "defaultReplicaSet": {
        "name": "default", 
        "primary": "my-ubuntu-0:3306", 
        "ssl": "DISABLED", 
        "status": "OK", 
        "statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to 2 failures.", 
        "topology": {
            "my-ubuntu-0:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-0:3306", 
                "memberRole": "PRIMARY", 
                "mode": "R/W", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-1:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-1:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-2:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-2:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-3:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-3:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
            "my-ubuntu-4:3306": {
                "address": "my-ubuntu-4:3306", 
                "memberRole": "SECONDARY", 
                "mode": "R/O", 
                "readReplicas": {}, 
                "replicationLag": "applier_queue_applied", 
                "role": "HA", 
                "status": "ONLINE", 
                "version": "8.0.30"
        "topologyMode": "Single-Primary"
    "groupInformationSourceMember": "my-ubuntu-0:3306"

如果该集群在complete outage的时刻有大量的流量。您可能必须运行mysqlsh:

MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  JS > var clu = dba.rebootClusterFromCompleteOutage();



vagrant destroy

    my-ubuntu-4: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'my-ubuntu-4' VM? [y/N] y
==> my-ubuntu-4: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> my-ubuntu-4: Destroying VM and associated drives...
    my-ubuntu-3: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'my-ubuntu-3' VM? [y/N] y
==> my-ubuntu-3: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> my-ubuntu-3: Destroying VM and associated drives...
    my-ubuntu-2: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'my-ubuntu-2' VM? [y/N] y
==> my-ubuntu-2: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> my-ubuntu-2: Destroying VM and associated drives...
    my-ubuntu-1: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'my-ubuntu-1' VM? [y/N] y
==> my-ubuntu-1: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> my-ubuntu-1: Destroying VM and associated drives...
    my-ubuntu-0: Are you sure you want to destroy the 'my-ubuntu-0' VM? [y/N] y
==> my-ubuntu-0: Forcing shutdown of VM...
==> my-ubuntu-0: Destroying VM and associated drives...